The KJV Parallel Bible Commentary
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The KJV Parallel Bible Commentary offers you the convenience of a thorough evangelical commentary on the whole Bible, along with the complete text of Scripture in a parallel column. When you open the Commentary, you will find—all on the same page—both verse-by-verse commentary and the complete verses of Scripture. Forty-eight quality maps located conveniently throughout the volume help you visualize key events of biblical history, and a brief Introduction and Outline for each book provide valuable information for effective Bible study.
This commentary is designed to meet the needs of pastors, teachers, and ordinary Bible readers and students alike. It draws upon the work of Bible scholars, and provides references to their works in Bibliographies for those who wish to carry their study further. However, the aim of the Commentary is not merely to inform, but to comment on Scriptures in such a way that prayerful readers may be transformed by the power of God’s word.
Many capable Bible scholars and teachers have contributed to The KJV Parallel Bible Commentary. While each has been allowed the freedom of his personal views, all share a firm faith in these fundamental beliefs of evangelical Christianity: the inerrant inspiration of Scripture; the virgin birth and deity of Jesus Christ; and His vicarious atonement, bodily resurrection, and literal Second Coming. All commentary further reflects the contributors’ shared emphasis on the evangelistic mandate of the church, the importance of individual conversion to Jesus Christ, and a premillennial understanding of Bible prophecy.
With The KJV Parallel Bible Commentary you are encouraged not only to consider the careful commentary of devout Bible scholars, but also to be like the noble Bereans of old, who both heard the word spoken to them and also “searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so” (Acts 17:11). The KJV Parallel Bible Commentary goes forth with the prayer that our Lord Jesus Christ will use it as a means of instructing His church for many generations to come.
- Addeddate
- 2020-09-14 22:02:30
- Identifier
- the-kjv-parallel-bible-commentary
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